Our Color Matching service

totally free of charge

Send us a sample

We're ready to match it

No matter the material or texture, send us a sample of your desired color or a Pantone number.
It could be a fabric swatch, a piece of plastic, or even a piece of metal. Our team will carefully analyze your sample to understand its color composition and details.

Metallic Samples
Metallic Master Batch

Precision Color Matching

From Color to Masterbatch

Upon receiving your sample, we will send it to our reliable masterbatch supplier, known for accurate color matching.

Once the masterbatch supplier receives your sample, they will carefully create a color match.
This service is entirely free of charge. After the color match is completed, a sample of masterbatch is produced and sent back to us, approximately within a week.

Sample Manufacturing

from masterbatch to colored caps

After receiving the masterbatch, we will produce a batch of caps in the specified color and send them to you for your and your customer’s approval.

Upon approval and receipt of your order, we can proceed with the production on short notice.

Screwcap Color Matched
Masterbatch Stocking
0 + Colors Matched
masterbatches in stock